Friday, March 25, 2011

Ya, I am not going to do a Croatia trip blog, too much effort!

Hey all, sorry that I am so unbelievably lazy, well more so busy, but I really don't have the energy to write the croatia/slovenia blog.  I wrote down bullet points to remember everything so maybe if I get really inspired I will try and actually do a blog about it.

In other more exciting news, I had an interview last Wednesday at a private collège (middle school) and lycée (high school) for a job doing the same thing that I am currently doing, assistante de langue.  This job would be more hours, more money, longer time frame, ANNNND the icing on the cake....wait for it...I actually get to use what I learned in university.

While there I will be teaching (in english) a history class about globalization and the cold war, pretty much two of my most studied topics while I was in university.  Pretty much awesome.  I am waiting on the official call from the heads of the schools at this moment to determine the outcome of the job, but the interviewer said that I am as good as gold at this point.  So fingers crossed.

Well, that's the big news for now.  Miss you all!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Meeting the Parents French Style

Hello all, sadly this post will not have any photos (well it will just none that I took myself) because I am a dumbass and left my camera at home!  A couple of weeks ago I went with Julien to his family's house in the middle of nowhere Haute Normandie.  Of course Julien always likes to have a little fun with me so he told me that his family only speaks Cauchois which is a weird form of French with old Norman English influences.  This was only semi-true.  His dad can speak Cauchois but he is the only one and didn't speak it with me, but for a good while I was seriously panicking and Julien was seriously laughing!

France has this really good idea called covoiturage which in English means carpool.  In brief there is a website where you post what kind of car you have and where you are going and people take a ride with you and pay for the trip.  All in all it is pretty cool.  I have used it a lot when travelling around France.  Since the trip is something like 3 hours Julien decided to put his car on covoiturage and pick up some randos to come along with us.  Usually if you are doing a covioturage then you are willing to have conversation while in the car, if not you should just take the train.  The first guy we picked up did not understand this point.  Julien tried to start a coversation with him but it really didn't work.  An hour into the journey we picked up another guy who tried with as much success as us to start a conversation with this douchebag.  We ended up dropping the first guy off and started talking about how lame he was without realizing that the window was open and he was standing next to the car.  Needless to say he didn't end up paying us very much money.  After that it was smooth sailing with conversation, the one I have always since people think apparently that Americans are like aliens so they have a lot of dumb questions to ask me.

We arrived in the town which is so small it isn't even really on the map and Julien proceeded to give me a driving tour of the town which lasted about 30 seconds.  He was like "this is the center of town"I was like where, and he replied back there you missed it.  I am so not a podunk country girl.  The town his parents live in isn't on the coast and is called Yvetot and is actually surprisingly on the map.  They live in this cute country cottage.  His parents are cute and they made a traditional dinner for me (I was worried it was going to be tripes, but thankfully it was not.  Julien had a laugh on my behalf once again) and they of course are French so we drank a lot of wine.  I was the first American that his family has ever met so of course the usual questions were asked, do I eat mcdonalds, do I have an SUV etc etc.  Every time I answered his mom would repeat what I said in my accent and giggle to herself, she thinks it is cute when I talk haha.

Then halfway through dinner I did my wonderful sneeze which cause dinner to come to a hault as everyone except Julien who started laughing and shouting that it was SIX sneezes, just gawked at me!  From then on it became a family game to count my sneezes and to bet on how many sneezes I would do next time.  Exhausted from the adventure we went to sleep when dinner was over around 2 in the morning.  I fell fast asleep only to be woken up with a start by an obnoxious rooster at 6 am.  The dumb rooster did not seem to understand that it was not yet light out and that I was trying to sleep!  They all seemed to think that it was hillarious that the chicken and the horse and the ducks and the sheep all woke me up throughout the morning but that I wasn't woken up by a siren that passed by.  I guess it's the city girl in me!

That morning Julien and I decided to go for a run, and let me tell you it is much easier to go running when you have a beautiful countryside to look at.  However the attack of the animals did not stop in the morning.  As we were running I was accosted by a very loud and worrisome sheep.  Julien was not alarmed at all but I must have jumped 4 feet when it baahhhed at me.  He seemed to think that it was hillarious as well. 

Thankfully we went running when we did because the weather in Normandie is crazy.  One second it is beautiful, the sun is shinning, the birds are singing, and the next minute you are in the middle of a horrible and dark thunderstorm that is pouring rain like a shower.  It is astonshing!  We then had a family lunch which meant a lot of drinking of course and a lot of ketchup for Julien because he eats it like it is water.  I have never seen someone eat so much ketchup in my life.  His family thankfully also thinks that this is as weird as I do so for once we all had a laugh at Julien's expense.

Beach at Yport
It was Julien's younger brother's birthday his 25th to be exact so that night was a big family party at his bother's house.  We all went and I met Julien's sister and his sister-in-law who is pregnant and due at the same time as Trida (which everyone thought was super cool and I got to talk about my little nephew for a while which made me happy).  We then did the usual let's ask the extra terrestrail questions about the homeland game.  They were all pretty interested though I think that his brother thought that I couldn't really speak French because he spoke super slowly to me at first and explained all the slang words to me.  The dinner was actually an apero dinatoire meaning that it was a whole bunch of finger food.  Damien (Julien's brother) took the time to explain to me what a quiche was since I guess no one but French people know this strange mystery food.  It was funny and eventually he realized that I speak French when I made a joke about dinosaurs and handjobs in French. They also thought that is was super funny that I am an American because apparently Julien is known for not liking Americans.  In fact he boycotts American things.  I am sure that I will make him eat his words when he comes to the states this summer.

Etreat, we were on top of this cliff!
We stayed at his brother and sister-in-law's house that night and got to sleep in which was lovely.  We spent the next day seeing all the beauty that Normandie has to offer.  His brother lives in Yport which is right on the coast and is of course beautiful.  It isn't the high tourist season yet so the town was a little dead but I kind of liked it like that.  The beach is absolutely breathtaking and now I know why Julien loves Normandie so much, it really is amazing.  We then went to another town called Etreat.  This is a bigger tourist town but that is because the beach is way more awesome if you can believe it.  We climbed around the cliffs and looked around.  It is a little scary if you don't like heights because France does not believe in safety there are no railings, but that makes for better pictures.  I really didn't want to leave but it was oh so cold so we packed up camp and went to his sister's home in Fécamp, Normandie!

His sister lives in an old fish factory that has been renovated into a modren apartment complex which was really cool and had an awesome view of the port.  I was doing the usual talking about America and his sister's boyfriend pointed out a photo of a US city skyline, he thought it was DC and I didn't think anything of it until I looked closely and realized that it was actually Seattle!  I didn't realize it at first because the Space Needle wasn't in it.  OMG small world right!?  We ended up talking and having dinner late into the night so we didn't get back to Angers until 3am.  I definitely want to go back to Normandie.  Next time with a camera.

More updates to come soon, the next blog post will be about the Croatian and Slovenian adventure!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ridiculousness in Paris, what else?!

Hello all, can you believe that I am actually keeping up on this blog thing?  I can't but whatever.  This past weekend was fun.  I spent it in Paris with four of my friends to go to a three person joint birthday party extravaganza!

Thankfully I have friends with cars in Angers so we didn't have to take the train.  Me, Sam, Rebekah, and the friend with the car Tays piled into her tiny little car and started the journey to Paris, but not without a you guessed it, friendly stop at the MacDo.  I know I know, why the hell am I eating at MacDo when I live in France, but what can I say when you are on a road trip you need fast food.  We get to the MacDo and as usual it is ridiculously packed, French people love it like it is crack or something.  The funniest thing is that they only have one size MacDo bags here, and that size is gianormous, like fit-a-baby-inside big.  AND they give you one each for your teenie burger!!!

We ended up getting into to Paris around midnight utterly exhausted.  The whole getting to our hostel was also a little complicated because we had to find somewhere to park the car that was not going to cost $12314353495.  Sam's boyfriend Guillaume lives in a Paris suburb Massy so we drove there and parked.  We had to hop an RER which is the suburb metro.  Because it was late it also meant that the crazy banlieu boite breeders were out in full force in their see through leggins and see-through lace shorts.  I felt like I was going to get an STD just being on the train with them, but it was good for a laugh and made me feel like I was back at my highschool on homecoming night.  This train was seriously a party.  Everyone had bottles of some sort of n'importe quoi and was getting hammered. 

We finally departed the night club metro and walked to rue Moffetard which is a big bar street and happens to also be where our hostel was.  This was a good decision becuase the bar our party was at on the Saturday was down the street so we could sloppily drag ourselves home, but a bad decision on the other hand because this meant that it was the party hostel.  We discovered this lovely fact that night when we were trying to go to sleep and were kept awake by a group of American frat boys doing stomp and screaming mazeltof at the top of their lungs in the corridor until 5:30 am. 

The next day we went to meet up with Sam's sister who lives in Germany at the moment but was in Paris with her boyfriend for the party.  We got our butts out of bed by the 11 o'clock mandatory you have to leave time and went over to the Eiffle Tower cause Sam's sister had never seen it.  Me and a few others are poor and didn't want to pay to go up so we killed time and walked around until it was time for lunch.  We mosied on down to the Latin Quartier for one of those famous and oh-so-crappy 13 euro three-course meals with wine that tastes like water.  The rest of the day wasn't too exciting.  Me and Tays tried to go to the Musée d'Orsay for a few hours but we arrived there for her to tell me to my surprise, "Merde, j'ai une grande couteau dans mon sac!" (Shit I have a huge knife in my bag!) Needless to say we didn't get in haha! 

The party was at a bar that we had reserved on the same rue as our hostel and started at around 8, so we got ready in the hostel and headed over.  Our room thing was in the basement cave thing with a dancefloor.  In the end something around 35 french people came and partied the night away and danced until I couldn't feel my feet.  It was a great time except for when I got fiesty with the door man.  He did the whole oh you are American I am going to ask you the same question everyone else does.  "Where is Brian" to which I responded "in your mom" and then he made me stand outside for about 20 minutes, fail.

The next day we had to be out of the hostle at 11 again which was rough because I think I went to bed around 6:30 am.  Somehow we all managed to get out and we ventured over to the Jewish district to eat some awesome falaffel!  It was delicious.  With full stomachs and smiles on our faces we decided to go to the most random museum ever.  The Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature a.k.a. the museum of dead hunted shit and random animal poop.  It kind of reminded me of my grandpa's house if my grandpa's house was on crack and he had about 100x more guns and a dead animal on every corner. 

Really this was just some old dudes collection of stuff he killed like a rhino, cause that's normal.  It was definitely a fun time.

After that stimulating experience we hopped back in the car and drove home just in time for Valentine's Day.  Some of you may have noticed on my facebook that it now says in a relationship and yes it is true, and yes he is French, and no he doesn't speak English lol.  His name is Julien and everything is going well.  LOL now that that is out of the way and speaking of Valentine's Day I did a Valentine's Day lesson at work and it totally backfired.  I wanted the students to write funny personal ads like the horrible ones you find in American newspapers.  I gave them a list of common acronyms and some examples of real ads and told them to make a funny one up to share with the class.   Well one of my students who is always a bit of a trouble maker wrote "I'm a boy who like himself, I'm hansom (spelled that way), blond, blue eyes, friendly, funny and I am a perfect gentleman.  In my life, I would have and english teacher, ginger, older than me, friendly and funny to who could speak well French.  This point is important because I speak bad English." OH LORDY.  He wouldn't read it allowed and I thought that he was just being an ass so I took the paper and started reading it outloud to the class just until I said the part about the English teacher.  Too late the whole class started laughing and he said he loved me and then told me to keep the paper.  OH goodness.  Teaching can sure be bizarre sometimes.  Guess it is better than the blank stare of death eh!?

Until next time!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is anyone still reading this?

Hello all again, I don't know if anyone is still reading this after my ridiculously long pause, but hey a girl can hope!

Right now life isn't too exciting--actually who I am kidding, I live in France, my life is more exciting than it has ever been in my life haha!  I am loving it here and the weather is starting to turn for the better and the birds are singing so ya, everything is good.

Trying to think about the updates that you would all like to hear about.  In the last month I submitted a CV and cover letter to a group of universities in hopes of finding a job for next year as a lectrice.  This is pretty much the same job as I do now except I am with univeristy students, I will work a little more (can you believe it?!  Who works more than 12 hours!!!!??? ;p) and I will get PAID a little more, which is double awesome.  I also submitted a request to renew my current post for next year which would mean more high schoolers...ugh!  Haha, you never really understand the drama that is high school until you are seeing it from the other side.  I have never tripped over so many kids making out or had to deal with so many girls crying because their boyfriend said some innane thing about her nose.  Also "fashion" (I use the word loosely) in high school is hillarious.  They try SO hard to end up looking like idiots or baby prostitutes.  Oh high school...  But the crème de la crème is when one of the many 15-16 year old boys thinks that they have a shot at a university graduted 22 year old!  REALLY?  No, I do NOT love you, NO I don't want your phone number, and yes I DO know that France is the most romantic country in the world, but NO I do NOT want you to show me!

Other than the drama, school seems to be going really well.  I seem to have gotten a real hang at this whole teaching thing and am really enjoying my job.  Yes, sometimes there are bad days in which my students look at me with the blank stares of doom which tell me that today is going to be a looooong day, but then there are the days where they REALLY get into what I am teaching and suprise me with their enthusiasm and intelligence.  In good American spirit my latest lesson was on the Super Bowl which I did stay up until 4 am to watch thank you very much.  I showed the students some of the commercials and yes I recieved more of the coveted ostrich look.

Next week is personal ads in the spirit of Valentine's Day.  I trial ran this lesson with one of my better groups and they seemed to find it absolutely hillarious.  I just hope that I don't get in trouble by administration for it!  They have to write a personal ad like the ones you can find in trashy American Newspapers.  They have to use those God awful acronyms like BHM- big handsom man or my favorite, MBA- married but available.  The one class I have done so far got hillariously creative so fingers crossed that I won't have a class full of ostriches.

In other news, I have started running again to counter act the amount of booze that I am drinking here.  Joining a gym turned out to be far too expensive, and I was let down but then I remember that I live right next to a jogging path next to a beautiful river that over looks a castle.  Apparently I am an idiot for not running before haha!  I have found that running when you have a castle to look at is much easier however the french seem to think that it is super strange that I am working out IN PUBLIC!  WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!??  but I don't care, flat abs here I come!!

I am sick, as usual at the moment, but at least I don't have tonsils anymore or it would be a total disaster!  I do however have an ear infection because I am apparently 5 years old and never got the memo that as an adult you aren't supposed to get frequent ear infections.  It was comforting however to know that French doctors and American doctors have the same "Oh mon Dieu" reaction when they see my ear.  Speaking of doctors and medical stuff here!  Love it, without insurance, my visit cost 23 euro and my perscription was 26, pretty damn good.  The doctor that I went to is the one that I saw when I was surprise surprise...sick the last time I was here.  His name is Dr. English and no he does not speak english but he is a touchy feely old man who would not stop asking me if I had a french lover etc etc.  I was like UM GIVE ME DRUGS KTHX BAI!

Regardless of my illness my friends and I have been planning a weekend in Paris since before Christmas so this weekend that is where I will be going.  It is going to be ridiculous, it is a 3 person joint birthday party and people are coming from all over France to celebrate.  Right now there are 27 yes's to the party so we have rented out a bar which should be aweosme!  I am excited.  Hopefully I won't die, fingers crossed.

In two weeks is one of my many vacations because French people are allergic to work.  Rebekah and I decided that we had to go somewhere and since Egypt has gone nuts that is out of the question we decided on a whim to go to beautiful Zagreb, Croatia!  That's right next to Bosnia if you don't know.  I thought that I would escape the danger of Egypt and go the...erm the comfort and saftey of Bosnia?  The good news is that everything is ridiculously cheap there.  Our plane tickets, round trip were a big fat 44 euro and we are couch surfing with a local so FREE beds!  Wooo!  We will be in Croatia for about 4 days and one of the days we are planning to go to the jealous!!!!

Well that's enough blabbing for now.  Hopefully I will get my lazy ass to post again soon when I get back from Paris!  Miss you all!  Bisous

Friday, January 21, 2011

Long time no post!

Hello there all!  I'll bet that most people have given up on me and looking at my blog because I have been so bad at updating.  In fact the truth of the matter is that I have been living my life and enjoying it so not writing!

But after much nagging by my mother I have decided to be a good girl and give it another shot.  When we last left off I had gotten myself into a little trouble with some guys and had gotten myself a nice little shiner.  The next big thing that happened was that my parents arrived in Angers which was wonderful to see them and absolutely bizarre to be the one who could actually speak the foreign language (usually it is dad with dutch).  Mom and dad had a little bit of a hard time adjusting to the fact that everything in France is on a 3/4 scale to America like a land of little people.

I showed mom and dad around Angers and they seemed to like the city as much as I did.  Mom seemed to feel at home because she thought that it was normal to go up to random people and start speaking in English, and after many tries I realized that no matter what mom was always going to speak English loudy, oh well.  Dad had a little more skill in French than mom, however he could never grasp the idea that check please was not a French phrase.

After a week or so in Angers with fun times had by all and a little adventure in castle hunting in the Loire Valley we packed ourselves up and shipped out to Paris to a lovely bachelor pad in the 8eme arrondissement!  Paris was fun and it was wonderful to see my sister again as well as the Dutch fam who brought us some wonderful cheese.

While we were in Paris we did the usual touristy stuff as well as had some random adventures like our old people cabaret by Sacre Coeur or when we went to the real cabaret in Paris and I was accosted by a cock roach mmm.  The cabaret we went to was full of ridiculous costumes and way too much homosexuality between the men who were supposed to be going after the lovely topless women.  IT was a gas but definitely bizarre.  

After a few weeks away from home in the cold and balmy Paris air I was starting to get homesick (yes I said home) for Angers.  Nothing feels better then coming back to your house after a long trip!

These days it is back to work, back to the same old shenanigans with a little vigilanty tourism thrown in here and there.  As usual, I am attached at the hip to the other two musketeers, Bekah and Sam and we are taking over Angers.

We have these days called dream days in which one person has a so called "dream" and the others have to come along to help realize said dream.  Sometimes these dreams are intense and overpowering, while other times they can be as simple as buying canvases, but it seems as though those are the ones that seem to turn into the grandest adventures.  Including but not limited to breaking into a castle....yup did that....

Angers is cold and I am spending my time compiling my CV so that I can find a job for next year.

Miss you all and I will try to get better at keeping this updated!