Friday, February 11, 2011

Is anyone still reading this?

Hello all again, I don't know if anyone is still reading this after my ridiculously long pause, but hey a girl can hope!

Right now life isn't too exciting--actually who I am kidding, I live in France, my life is more exciting than it has ever been in my life haha!  I am loving it here and the weather is starting to turn for the better and the birds are singing so ya, everything is good.

Trying to think about the updates that you would all like to hear about.  In the last month I submitted a CV and cover letter to a group of universities in hopes of finding a job for next year as a lectrice.  This is pretty much the same job as I do now except I am with univeristy students, I will work a little more (can you believe it?!  Who works more than 12 hours!!!!??? ;p) and I will get PAID a little more, which is double awesome.  I also submitted a request to renew my current post for next year which would mean more high schoolers...ugh!  Haha, you never really understand the drama that is high school until you are seeing it from the other side.  I have never tripped over so many kids making out or had to deal with so many girls crying because their boyfriend said some innane thing about her nose.  Also "fashion" (I use the word loosely) in high school is hillarious.  They try SO hard to end up looking like idiots or baby prostitutes.  Oh high school...  But the crème de la crème is when one of the many 15-16 year old boys thinks that they have a shot at a university graduted 22 year old!  REALLY?  No, I do NOT love you, NO I don't want your phone number, and yes I DO know that France is the most romantic country in the world, but NO I do NOT want you to show me!

Other than the drama, school seems to be going really well.  I seem to have gotten a real hang at this whole teaching thing and am really enjoying my job.  Yes, sometimes there are bad days in which my students look at me with the blank stares of doom which tell me that today is going to be a looooong day, but then there are the days where they REALLY get into what I am teaching and suprise me with their enthusiasm and intelligence.  In good American spirit my latest lesson was on the Super Bowl which I did stay up until 4 am to watch thank you very much.  I showed the students some of the commercials and yes I recieved more of the coveted ostrich look.

Next week is personal ads in the spirit of Valentine's Day.  I trial ran this lesson with one of my better groups and they seemed to find it absolutely hillarious.  I just hope that I don't get in trouble by administration for it!  They have to write a personal ad like the ones you can find in trashy American Newspapers.  They have to use those God awful acronyms like BHM- big handsom man or my favorite, MBA- married but available.  The one class I have done so far got hillariously creative so fingers crossed that I won't have a class full of ostriches.

In other news, I have started running again to counter act the amount of booze that I am drinking here.  Joining a gym turned out to be far too expensive, and I was let down but then I remember that I live right next to a jogging path next to a beautiful river that over looks a castle.  Apparently I am an idiot for not running before haha!  I have found that running when you have a castle to look at is much easier however the french seem to think that it is super strange that I am working out IN PUBLIC!  WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!??  but I don't care, flat abs here I come!!

I am sick, as usual at the moment, but at least I don't have tonsils anymore or it would be a total disaster!  I do however have an ear infection because I am apparently 5 years old and never got the memo that as an adult you aren't supposed to get frequent ear infections.  It was comforting however to know that French doctors and American doctors have the same "Oh mon Dieu" reaction when they see my ear.  Speaking of doctors and medical stuff here!  Love it, without insurance, my visit cost 23 euro and my perscription was 26, pretty damn good.  The doctor that I went to is the one that I saw when I was surprise surprise...sick the last time I was here.  His name is Dr. English and no he does not speak english but he is a touchy feely old man who would not stop asking me if I had a french lover etc etc.  I was like UM GIVE ME DRUGS KTHX BAI!

Regardless of my illness my friends and I have been planning a weekend in Paris since before Christmas so this weekend that is where I will be going.  It is going to be ridiculous, it is a 3 person joint birthday party and people are coming from all over France to celebrate.  Right now there are 27 yes's to the party so we have rented out a bar which should be aweosme!  I am excited.  Hopefully I won't die, fingers crossed.

In two weeks is one of my many vacations because French people are allergic to work.  Rebekah and I decided that we had to go somewhere and since Egypt has gone nuts that is out of the question we decided on a whim to go to beautiful Zagreb, Croatia!  That's right next to Bosnia if you don't know.  I thought that I would escape the danger of Egypt and go the...erm the comfort and saftey of Bosnia?  The good news is that everything is ridiculously cheap there.  Our plane tickets, round trip were a big fat 44 euro and we are couch surfing with a local so FREE beds!  Wooo!  We will be in Croatia for about 4 days and one of the days we are planning to go to the jealous!!!!

Well that's enough blabbing for now.  Hopefully I will get my lazy ass to post again soon when I get back from Paris!  Miss you all!  Bisous