Friday, September 24, 2010

Le Logement

Finding an apartment in Angers turned out to be super stressful, but all in all I am pleased to say that I have found an apartment in the middle of downtown Angers that is both beautiful and somewhat affordable.  In Angers, most apartments are found through an agency but that is both really expensive and almost impossible if you are not french.  After calling 12 people and looking at 3 ridiculously horrible apartments I was able to find this one.  The others that I found were in people's houses, though they were not advertised as such, and didn't have their own bathrooms or were really run down and far away.  So the minute I found this apartment I snagged it. 

The lady who owns the building was a little hesitant to give me the apartment because I don't have a co-signer in France and what not but she was nice and could tell that I really needed this apartment so she is going to let me have it!!!  Thank goodness because I have to be out of the place that I am staying in by the 28th which still poses a problem because the girl who is currently living in the apartment that I will be renting will not be leaving until the 30th of September and I am not allowed to move in until the 1st of October, but I am sure that I can figure something out.

In other news, today I went to the Lycée David d'Angers (the high school that I am teaching at) to meet the professors whose classes I will be in.  The picture to the right is the main courtyard of the high school.  It is absolutely huge and completely modern inside with every amenity.  The teachers that I will be under are super nice and were very excited to have me there.  I met some of the other professors of different classes and they babbled at me in French about America which was amusing.  One of the English teachers asked me to clarify something that one of her students said.  Apparently in the past a synonym for hobo was tramp and I had to tell her that this is no longer the case and the tramp meant someone who sleeps around.  Definitely an interesting moment to have on my first day.  I need to now get some lesson plans together so I am not completely useless. 

Well that is my life so far, busy busy busy and tomorrow it continues as I meet up with my old host family Annick and Michel and set up my very own bank account!!!  Excitement for sure!!!

1 comment:

  1. Would love to see photos of your place. I am very nosy.
